What Are The 3 Major Types Of Graffiti?

Graffiti art services may seem like vandalism to those unfamiliar with them. Graffiti styles on the streets today may not be recognized or appreciated by everyone. Adding or painting over the artwork of others is common in graffiti, an ever-changing art form, resulting in new works of art. Graffiti styles can be seen all around us if we pay attention to them daily. ArtSmileyBiz offers you the best Graffiti art services for the client across the globe. It is possible to categorize graffiti styles into roughly ten categories. Let us check them out.

What Is Graffiti Art Services? 

Graffiti is a form of artwork, even though it is not always viewed as art. The graffiti art form is primarily an urban art form, but some graffiti art even makes its way into the high art scene. Alec Monopoly is one of the most well-known graffiti artists. In most places, graffiti is considered vandalism and not an art form. The first graffiti appeared on subways and buildings in New York in the 1970s. 

Early graffiti writers were thought of as criminals and violent street cultures. A bad reputation was created in the 1970s due to graffiti, which was common among gangs. Early graffiti artists worked in groups called “crews”, where subway cars were popular surfaces for graffiti art. When graffiti tags on trains peaked in the 1970s, subway cars were barely visible.

The authorities began to crack down on graffiti in the 1980s. In subsequent years, tagging on subway trains became increasingly difficult. Building roofs became increasingly adorned with tags. Graffiti is considered vandalism by the law, so most graffiti artists use tagger names or pseudonyms. Text-based graffiti is the most well-known style, but images, mixed media, and even 3D works are also popular. Many artists crossover between street art and contemporary art. However, graffiti art services are still a distinct art form with their unique styles and culture.

The Different Types Of Graffiti Art Services

  • Tags or Tagging
One of the simplest, most effortless, and most recognized graffiti styles is tagging. An artist’s tag is essentially their “signature” in pseudonymous form.  Spray paint cans are usually used to create a tag, which includes only one color, and usually includes a name or symbol that identifies the artist.   
  • Throw Ups
A throw-up can also be used to tag with a throw-up. However, it is usually more extensive and complex and uses more colors and paints. Spray paint can is often used to write on throw-ups in bubble-style. The style has been popularized by artists such as Eine, Twist, and Iz the Wiz.
  • Blockbuster

Blockbusters go up a level from throw-ups. As a result, it fills up a much larger area, such as a wall. While blockbusters are produced in relatively short periods, they are not as frequent as tags and throw-ups. Blockbusters usually have block lettering, and the writer may use rollers. 

  • Wildstyle

Graffiti in the wildstyle style is difficult to read due to elaborate font styles. Wildstyle graffiti is not unappealing due to its legibility; most people consider it an attractive tagging style. A complex and interlocked set of letters, spikes, arrows, motifs, and other decorative elements are incorporated. 

  • Character Or Art Piece

This is a freehand painting called a masterpiece. It is time-consuming and challenging to execute a large and complex piece of wall art. The design consists of several elements, including a rich palette, 3D elements, and other visual marks. 

Street artists use various techniques to express themselves, including spray paint and elaborate installations. However, Calligraffiti, stencils, wheat paste, stickers, and other techniques are perhaps the most closely tied to graffiti.

  • Calligraffiti

Calligraffiti incorporates calligraphy, typography, and graffiti elements. Abstract expressionism is a type of art. This is an art form that incorporates letters into compositions to communicate a broader message through aesthetically altered text.

A Dutch artist named Niels Shoe Meulman first coined the term “calligraffiti” in 2007. Meulman defines Calligraffiti as “traditional handwriting with a metropolitan feel” that translates street art to museums, galleries, and apartments.

  • Stencil

Using stencils, you can create an image or text that is easily reproducible. Stencils can be made using paper, cardboard, and other materials to create easily reproducible images and texts. Using the selected medium, the desired design is cut out before being painted with spray paint or roll-on paint. 

  • Wheatpaste

The wheatpaste method is used to create or layout publication pages. A homemade concoction known as wheatpaste is usually used to make posters. Using flour, sugar, and water, it is relatively cheap and easy to make. Wheatpastes are posters made of wheat paste.

It is common for wheatpasters to work in teams or affinity groups when hanging unauthorized billboards to reduce their chances of getting caught. Commercial wheatpasting is sometimes referred to as flyposting, and urban art wheatpasting is sometimes referred to as paste-up.

  • Sticker

Sticker art uses stickers to display an image or message publicly. As a subcategory of graffiti, political stickers are used to express opinions, promote political agendas, and comment on policies.

It is common for sticker artists to use inexpensive and free stickers, such as USPS Label 228 or name tags. An artwork with a 3D effect can be created with sticker art. Artists use scalpels to cut vinyl sheeting and foam board components. Artists glue these components together to create sticker art collages.

Final Words

Graffiti may not be liked or appreciated by everyone, but that is not the point. A graffiti art service is a statement created by disenfranchised groups as a means of self-expression. There is no public recognition or mainstream appreciation for graffiti artists. A graffiti artist typically creates it only to connect with other artists in the community. Graffiti artists do not usually seek public understanding of graffiti.